Pyrolysis Equipment

Features You Want In A Tyre Shredding Machine

If you are planning to set up your own tyre recycling business, you must know that it involves setting up a whole system including machines that are needed for pre-processing. One of the machines you are going to need is a tyre shredding machine. Whole tyres cannot be fed into the recycling machine straight away. These need to be processed by shredding tyres into small pieces to improve the efficiency of the recycling process. The tyre shredding machine can also be used to set up your own independent business of rubber powder production. It can be used for making rubber particles that are widely used for making rubber carpets, roads, artificial turf, rubber track and a variety of other uses.

While there are thousands of manufacturers of these machines, not all the machines offer the best features. Here is a list of the important features you want in a tyre shredder machine to get the most out of your investment.

Beston Tyre Shredding Machine for Sale
Beston Tyre Shredding Machine for Sale

1. Durability

A tyre shredding machine should obviously be made of high quality materials with excellent strength if you want it to be durable and long-lasting. After all, shredding tyres is not an easy job and requires a lot of pressure to cut whole tyres into small pieces and if the quality of materials used for the machine is substandard, the machine is unlikely to last long and your investment will go waste. Therefore, the most important thing you need to pay attention to is the quality of materials used for making the machine as that directly affects the durability or service life of the shredding machine. The specifications for the materials used for making the machine should be available on the website of the manufacturer. In case you have any doubts, don’t forget to ask the manufacturer before placing an order. Click here to know more:

2. Energy Efficiency and Usage

Needless to say, higher energy efficiency means better bottom line for your business. Thanks to the advances in technology, the modern machines are much more energy-efficient as compared to the earlier models. Higher energy efficiency means more profit for you and it also gives you a competitive edge. The machine should also be easy to use requiring minimal labor. It should also take up minimal space to ensure that you do not need to buy additional land for the tire crusher machine.

3. Check the Blade

The most important part of the shredding machine is the knife used for cutting. Make sure the cutting edge is made of high quality materials such as some kind of carbide alloy as it ensures excellent hardness as well as wear resistance. The knife should also be easy to change, especially the wearing part. Needless to say, it should have high efficiency and long service life.


To conclude, there are thousands of companies selling different kinds of tyre shredding machines but not all the machines available in the market are equally energy-efficient or durable. It is important for you to pay attention to the above mentioned features in addition to some of the others you have discovered on your own in order to get the best value for your money when buying a tyre shredding machine. More video on Beston Youtube: